
Aren’t podcasts ace? You can learn or be entertained, or even be mildly irritated, whilst sat on a train, driving or walking through the park. 

I have two podcasts:

The first is “Making things better and making better things”. In it I talk to people who are doing positive things either through business or as individuals and other organisations. We talk about what they do a little but we mainly talk about why they do it, what made them, how they were shaped by their youth. I always start with the same three questions: What did your childhood smell like, taste like and sound like? Listen via the normal services.

The second is called “You can’t make money on a dead planet” and it follows the theme of my third book. I interview those businesses that have found business models, products and services that are shifting us towards a regenerative economy. Coming soon.

Mark has appeared as a guest on other podcasts.